Numbers that refer to business objects of the same type are assigned in Area. One or more number range intervals are specified for each number range in addition to the type of number assignment. There are two types of number assignment:

  • Internal: The SAP system assigns a sequential number that lies within the corresponding number range interval when saving a data record.
  • External: Either the user or an external system assigns a number when saving the record.

The number must lie within the corresponding number range interval. The system generates a document number for each business transaction. Business transactions are classified according to CO transactions.

Each business transaction must assign to a number range interval and it is also possible to define multiple business transactions in one number range interval. The Controlling component provides many transactions for each controlling area.

Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents -

Below process is to create number ranges for TCCA controlling area copying from 0001.

Step-1: Enter the transaction code KANK in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents


Enter the transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Click on SAP Reference IMG.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → General Controlling → Organization → Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents . Click on Execute.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-2: Enter Controlling Area and click on copy icon.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-3: Specify the From, To Controlling Area and click on Copy icon to proceed.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-4: Next screen displays the below message. Click on Right Mark to proceed.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-5: Now, all the number intervals from controlling area (0001) copied to controlling area (TCCA). Check the below screen shot for status message.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-6: Click on edit Intervals icon to manage the intervals.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-7: In the next screen, add/delete the number ranges if required.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-8: Click on Save button to save the changes.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Step-9: Status bar displays the below message once the Number ranges for controlling area created successfully.

Maintain Number Ranges for controlling documents

Technical details -

  • Transaction: NRIV
  • Menu Path: SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → General Controlling → Organization → Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents