Summary -

In this topic, we described about the below sections -

Versions in Controlling (CO) are time dependent or year dependent. Maintain Versions used to create independent data groupings in planning and in actual. In planning, versions display alternative plan scenarios based on different planning assumptions.

The version values can be copied from one to another. Normally, the version “000” in planning have the legal values provided by the SAP. We can maintain user defined versions in addition to the version “0”. The plan and actual data for version 000 serves in plan/actual comparisons and in variance analysis.

Maintain Versions Definition -

Below process is to maintain versions for Controlling Area TCCA (Test Controlling Area).

Step-1: - Enter the transaction code OKEQ in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Maintain Versions


Enter the transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Maintain Versions

Click on SAP Reference IMG.

Maintain Versions

Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → General Controlling → Organization → Maintain Versions . Click on Execute.

Maintain Versions

Step-2: - Select 0 version and double click on Controlling Area Settings in the left side menu.

Maintain Versions

Step-3: - In the next screen, enter the Controlling Area and press Enter.

Maintain Versions

Step-4: - In the next screen, Select the 0 version and double click on Settings for Each Fiscal year in the left side menu.

Maintain Versions

Step-5: - In the next screen, it copies the five years data on the screen. Double click on the required year to proceed further.

Maintain Versions

Step-6: - Enter the below details in the Planning tab.

  • General Indictors -- Check Integrated Planning, Copying Allowed
  • Currency Translation -- Specify Exchange rate type (P – Default), Value Date
  • Orders/Projects -- Check Integrated planning with Cost Centers/bus. Processes if required.
Maintain Versions

Step-7: - Go to the price calculation tab, specify the below details.

  • Plan -- Select the appropriate Method
  • Actual -- Select the appropriate Method, Revaluation
Maintain Versions

Step-8: - Click on Save button to save the changes.

Maintain Versions

Step-9: - It prompt for the Change Request. Create/Select the change request and Click on right mark to proceed.

Maintain Versions

Step-10: - Status bar displays the below message once the maintained versions saved successfully.

Maintain Versions

Technical details -

  • Transaction: OKEQ
  • Menu Path: SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → General Controlling → Organization → Maintain Versions
  • Database Table: TKVS, TKVST, TKA07, TKA01, TKA09, TKT09, TCURV, TCURW, T895PCA, TKEVS