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What is Agile SDLC?

Agile SDLC is the methodology which is based on collaborative decision making between the requirements and solutions teams. It is an iterative approach of developing a working software. Work would be done in smaller bits which are known as sprints which usually last for two to four weeks. Agile SDLC model is a combination of both Spiral and incremental models which focus on adaptability and customer satisfaction. Every iteration would involve the following phases in Agile Development SDLC.

Agile Software Development Life cycle phases

  • Concept - Projects would be imagined and prioritized.
  • Inception - Team members would be created, funding is put in place, and basic environments and requirements are discussed.
  • Construction Iterations - The software development team works to deliver working software. It is based on requirement and feedback.
  • Release - Perform quality assurance (QA) testing, provides internal and external training, documentation development, and final version of iteration into the product.
  • Production - It is the ongoing support of the software.
  • Retirement - This includes End-of-life activities, including customer notification and migration.

The Agile Iteration Workflow

The Agile Software development lifecycle would be followed by an iterative process. Every iteration would result in the next build of the software development, working software and supporting elements, like documentation that is available by customers to use till the final product is complete. Each iteration would usually last for two to four weeks in length and would have a fixed time to complete. Due to its time-bound nature, the iteration process is methodical, and the scope of each iteration would be only as broad as the allotted time allows.

A typical iteration process flow is as follows -

  • Requirements - Define the requirements for the iteration depending on the product backlog, sprint backlog, customer, and stakeholder feedback.
  • Development - Design and develop the software based on defined requirements.
  • Testing - QA (Quality Assurance) testing, internal and external training, documentation development.
  • Delivery - Integrate and deliver the working iteration into production.
  • Feedback - Accept customer and stakeholder feedback. work on the requirements of the next iteration.

 Agile SDLC

Considering the project duration, all the additional features would be logged into the product backlog while rest of the processes would repeat again and again till all the backlog items are completed from the product backlog. As a result, the process is like a loop and not linear.

Working with Agile Process

Agile method is best suited for the projects which are large and complex those which need quickly and flexibility that is required for the software product that is desired to accommodate changing requirements and able to collaborate effectively.

Agile processes integration into your business could be immense. Below are four activities that will help support the adoption of Agile workflow -

  • Daily Meetings - Host consistent or daily stand-up meetings in order to maintain open communication, hold workers accountable, and keep each iteration going forward
  • Live Demonstrations - Deliver live demonstrations of each iteration's final product in order to show progress.
  • Share Feedback - Receive feedback from stakeholders and customers, share it with the entire team before the next iteration begins.
  • Remain Agile - Make changes to your process based on the feedback to make sure that each iteration improves the last.