Note! The versions of Java, Eclipse, Selenium will keep on updating from time to time. However, the installation steps will remain the same as below. The only thing that needs to take care about is, we must select the latest version and continue the installation steps.

Selenium supports various programming languages like Java, Python, C#, Perl, Ruby etc. Java is the most widely used languages for Selenium. So, let us start and understand the process of Java Installation

Selenium + Java Installation process involves 3 steps -

  • Install Java SDK
  • Install Eclipse
  • Install Selenium Driver Files

Install Java SDK

Navigate to the URL:"" to download Java Software Development Kit (JDK)

Environment Setup

Next, the appropriate version based on the installed OS on the system.

Environment Setup

Next, check the "I reviewed and accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE" and click on "Download jdk-14.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe" to download the version.


Once downloaded, double click on exe file to install the Java in the system.

Environment Setup

Click on "Next" to proceed further.

Environment Setup

Change the installation location if required, and click on "Next" to proceed further -


Installation progress bar will appear. Once the installation progress completed, click on "Close" to finish the installation.

Environment Setup

Open the command prompt and type "java" to verify the installation of java. It displays the installed information.

Environment Setup

The above process concludes the Java installation on the windows system. Let’s move to the next step of installing eclipse.

Install Eclipse

Navigate to the URL:"" to download eclipse. In the below page, click on "Download 64 bit" to download eclipse installer.

Environment Setup

click on "Download" button to download the eclipse.

Environment Setup

Double click on eclipse installer downloaded to install eclipse in the system.

Environment Setup

Click on "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" to proceed further.

Environment Setup

Check or uncheck the options based on the requirement and click on "Install" button to proceed.

Environment Setup

Click on "Accept Now" to acceptthe Eclipse license agreement to proceed with installation.

Environment Setup

Once the installation completed, below screen appear.Click on launch to open Eclipse.

Environment Setup

Select the "Workspace" and click on "Launch" button to open Eclipse.

Environment setup

Eclipse Welcome page gets displayed like below. If welcome page gets displayed, then eclipse installation is successful.

Environment setup

Install Selenium Driver Files

Download Selenium Client & webdriver

Navigate to the URL:"" to download the "Selenium Client & WebDriver". Click on "Download" button corresponds to the Java language.

Environment setup

The current version of download comes as a ZIP file named "".

Environment setup

Extract the contents of this ZIP file to the F drive("F:\selenium-java-3.141.59"). This directory contains all the JAR files that are later import on Eclipse.

Environment setup

Create Java project, package & class

Create the new Selenium Project thrrough "File > New > Java Project".

Environment setup

New popup gets opened. Name the project as "tcproject".

Environment setup

Verify the below details and click on "Finish" button to proceed further.

  • "Use default location" option should be checked.
  • "Use an execution environment JRE:" should be checked.
  • "Create separate folders for sources and class files" should be checked.
Environment setup

"Right click" on newly created "Selenium project" and select "New > Package"

Environment setup

Popup gets opened. Enter the name of the Package as "tcpackage" and click on "Finish" button.

Environment setup

"Right click" on newly created package "tcpackage" and select "New > class".

Environmental setup

Popup gets opened. Enter the name of class as "MyClass" and click on "Finish" button to proceed.

Environmental setup

Now selenium WebDriver's into Java Build Path and the eclipse now looks like below.

Environment setup

Add JAR files to "libs" folder:

Right click on "tcproject" and select "Properties".

Environment setup

Properties dialog gets opened for "tcproject". Click on "Java Build Path".

Environment setup

Select "Libraries" tab.

Environment setup

Click on "Add External JARs" button to add external libraries.

Environmental setup

Select external JAR files from downloaded Selenium library in the previous steps. Select the files and Click on "Open" button.

Environmental setup

Do the same for JAR files in "lib" directory as well.

Environmental setup

After adding all external JAR files, the popup looks like below.

Environmental setup

Once done, click on "Apply and Close".

Environmental setup

Now, importing Selenium libraries into our project is completed.