Summary -

In this topic, we described about the below sections -

Posting Key is a two-digit numeric key.It is defined to control the entry of document line items in a FI Transaction. Posting Key specifies the line item is either debit or credit entry, account type and the screen layout of line items.

Special posting keys are used for posting special General ledger transactions. The system uses the posting key, special G/L indicator to determine the alternative settlement account.

The posting key determines -

  • Account type
  • Debit/credit posting
  • Layout of entry screens

Different Account Types in SAP FI −

  • A --> Assets
  • D --> Customers
  • K --> Vendors
  • M --> Materials
  • S --> General Ledger Account

Below are the list of standard posting keys: -

Posting Key Description of Posting Key Account Type use for the posting key Usage
1 Customers invoices Customer Debit
2 Reverse Credit Memo Customer Debit
3 Bank Charges Customer Debit
5 Outgoing Payment Customer Debit
6 Payment differences Customer Debit
8 Payment Clearing Customer Debit
9 Outgoing debit posting Customer Debit
11 Credit memos Customer Credit
12 Reverse Invoice Customer Credit
13 Reverse Charges Customer Credit
15 Incoming Payment Customer Credit
16 Payment differences Customer Credit
18 Payment Clearing Customer Credit
19 Outgoing credit posting Customer Credit
21 Credit memos Vendor Debit
22 Reverse Invoice Vendor Debit
25 Outgoing Payment Vendor Debit
26 Payment differences Vendor Debit
28 Payment Clearing Vendor Debit
29 Incoming debit posting Vendor Debit
31 Vendors invoices Vendor Debit
32 Reverse Credit Memo Vendor Credit
35 Incoming Payment Vendor Credit
36 Payment differences Vendor Credit
38 Payment Clearing Vendor Credit
39 Incoming credit posting Vendor Credit
40 G/L account G/L Account Debit
50 G/L account G/L Account Credit
70 Debit Asset Asset Debit
75 Credit Asset Asset Credit
80 Inventory Taking G/L Account Debit
81 Costs G/L Account Debit
82 Inventory Difference G/L Account Debit
83 Price Difference G/L Account Debit
84 Consumption G/L Account Debit
85 Change in Stock G/L Account Debit
86 GR/IR debit G/L Account Debit
89 Stock Inward Movement Material Debit
90 Inventory Taking G/L Account Credit
91 Costs G/L Account Credit
92 Inventory Difference G/L Account Credit
93 Price Difference G/L Account Credit
94 Consumption G/L Account Credit
95 Change in Stock G/L Account Debit
96 GR/IR Credit G/L Account Credit
99 Stock Outward Movement Material Credit

Create Posting Key: -

Below process is to create posting key PK (Test Posting Key).

Step-1: Enter the transaction code OB41 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Posting Keys


Enter the transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.

Posting Keys

Click on SAP Reference IMG.

Posting Keys

Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Setting → Document → Line Item → Controls → Define Posting Keys. Click on Execute.

Posting Keys

Step-2: In the next screen, click on Create icon on the application bar.

Posting Keys

Step-3: In the next screen, enter the Posting Key and Name of the Posting Key. Click Enter.

Posting Keys

Step-4: Enter the below details.

  • Debit/Credit Indicator
  • Account Type
  • Other Attributes
  • Reversal Posting Key
Posting Keys

Step-5: Once all the details entered, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Posting Keys

Step-6: It prompt for the Change Request. Create/Select the change request and Click on right mark to proceed.

Posting Keys

Step-7: Status bar displays the below message once the posting key saved successfully.

Posting Keys

Technical Information: -

  • Transaction Code: - OB41
  • Navigation path: - SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Setting → Document → Line Item → Controls → Define Posting Keys